Monday, July 25, 2016

77 degrees is cold: 25 July 2016

Chai I hope all of you guys are enjoying your summer. I am here dying in the freezing 77 degree weather that we have had the past couple nights. Everyone here have huge winter coats on and its so funny to see that this is freezing for them. 

The highlight of the week was when Margaret and Praise were baptized yesterday. It was super stressful. Margaret was supposed to be baptized on saturday and then praise was supposed to be baptized this coming saturday. But when we showed up to the church on saturday, we found out that the font was empty. Why? Because we had no power for a day and a half and no power=no water flowing. So we then biked as fast as our little legs could pedal over to Margaret and her family to tell them to not come to the church anymore. The whole family was ready and everything but luckily we caught them at their house. Then later that day we had the baptism interview for Praise and she is doing well. Elder Nilsson and I decided to have them baptized on the same day (they are sister in laws). 

So we had the baptism after church and it was a pretty good service. The only problem was the opening song we sang was a mens choir song and the topic was men receiving the priesthood. But it was good :)

Today we roasted another pig. President and Sister Simpson came. Sister Simpson was born in Fiji i believe. So they enjoyed it. 

Transfers are next week so we shall see what happens. 

I think I am finally starting to understand the purpose of Preach My Gospel. Its all about becoming converted yourself and then helping others toward conversion. We need to understand the gospel, not just on a scholastic level, but with a heart-changing level. A spiritual level. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the ONLY way. Preach My Gospel is a tool to allow missionaries to become converted to HIM.  Matt 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

I love what this Gospel has done for me. I hope I can continue to increase in my knowledge and my faith. I hope I can continue to find others to bring to the Path. I love you all! I seek to do the Lord's work. I am learning so much. Have a great week!

Elder Green

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